Power and Peril of “What If”

Our brains often turn to the question “what if” to help process the world around us and evaluate risk.

Image result for Tri-Ring Burner

“What if I left the burner on?” Our brains can turn small things in our day into possible life changing events.

“What if there was an accident?” Unchecked, our brains can bring us to terrifying conclusions about events that have not even happened.

Man in Blue and Brown Plaid Dress Shirt Touching His Hair

Most of us are all too familiar with the peril of “what if”. We experience it everyday in our own doubts, fears, and insecurities about the world. When we worry about what other’s might think” “what if they don’t like me?” Or if something bad might happen: “What if I lose my job?” These types of “what if’s” can feel overwhelming and even terrifying if we allow ourselves to venture down some of those rabbit holes. There are many different ways of coping with the perils of “what if” but that’s not what I want to write about.

There Is A Better Way

Today, I want to write about the power of “what if.” That’s right – there is also power in the question of “what if” but because of how are brains are naturally wired to hunt out risks we often overlook the power behind the question of “what if.” You see, “what if” has the power to capture our imagination. It is our brains natural ability to think about possibilities or futures that have not yet come to pass.

Girls on White Red Jersey Playing Hand Game

When we imagine these positive scenarios, we are actually completing the first steps of change! It is very hard to achieve something that you have not first thought of and imagined yourself doing. It would be like trying to take a trip without planning where you are going. You will definitely end up somewhere – but maybe not a place you would like to be! The power of “what if” comes when we turn our mind away from the risks that our brains so very much like to gravitate towards and instead start to imagine what might happen if things go well. “What if I succeed at my job?” What would that look like? What would that take? “What if I felt good about myself?” Would I interact with those around me differently? How might that transform my relationships?

We Can Help!

Are ready to start challenging some of the unhelpful ways you have been looking at the world? Starting with some of the assumptions you make about what direction life could take is a good first step. If you need some help with that (or if you just find yourself stuck in the negative “what-if’s”), we’re definitely here for you – just give us a call!